The Tolkienotheca
Studies in Tolkiennymy;
or Searching for the Origins of Elvo-Indo-European in Tolkien’s Elvish Lexicon; With an Addendum to Tolkien and Sanskrit,
and a Lexicon of Elvish Month Names
Also by this author:
- Preface
- Author’s Foreword
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- Definitions
Part I: Addendum to Tolkien and Sanskrit
- Sanskrit in Tolkien’s Environment
- The Two Trees
- Amalion
- The Three Faces of Éowyn
- Frodo and Buddha
- Manwë
- Tolkien and Theosophy?
- aka Mānasaputra (Sanskrit: Mind-born Son)
- Originally published in Beyond Bree, October 2019
- Morgoth
- The Solar and Lunar Dynasties
- Elwing
- Melian — Lúthien — Nimloth — Elwing
- Silmaril — Ælfwine’s Gloss
Part II: A Change of Scene
- Proto-Indo-European Cultural Connections with Europe
- Originally published in Tolkien and Sanskrit
- The Irishness of Middle-earth
- Parts of this were originally published in Beyond Bree, July 2019
- Íverind (Ireland)
- Elvish Words with Irish Cognates
- Irish Grammar
- Irish Orthography
- Tir-na-n’Og (The Land of Youth)
- Dorwinion
- Irish Terms for Kings
- King of Tara
- North vs. South and the ‘Calendar’ Word Lithe
- Gondor
- Helm Hammerhand
- Belfalas
- Côf Belfalas
- Anfalas
- Anduin
- Geography vs. Linguistic Landscape
- Gaerys
- Ô (The Sea)
- Sauron
- A Spider’s Sting?
- Tolkien’s She Spiders
Part III: Lexicon of Elvish Month Names
- Introduction
- Narvinyë
- Nénimë
- Súlimë
- Víressë
- Lótessë
- Nárië
- Cermië
- Ûrimë
- Yavannië
- Originally published in Tolkien and Sanskrit
- Narquelië
- Hísimë
- Ringarë
- A – Books from Tolkien’s Personal Library at Texas A&M University
- B – The Tale of the Legendary Syamantaka
- C – The French Republican Calendar
- D – Signs of the Zodiac
- E – Archaic German Month Names
Illustration Credits
About the Author
Includes maps, B&W illustrations, bibliographic references and index.
Pagination: xliv + 308.
Trade Paper $14.95.
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