Purveyors of the Magic of Imagination
Llyfrawr: Home of the Mathomium
A Tolkienian Mathomium
Table of Contents

Preface    iii
Foreword    v
Contents    ix
Acknowledgments    xii
Abbreviations    xiii
What is a Mathom?    1
The Linguistic Landscape of Bree    7
Esgaroth    15
The Linguistic Landscape of Tolkien’s Shire    19
The Water    65
Stock    69
“And why is it called the Carrock?”    79
In Search of the Origin of the River Lune    83
In League with Miles    93
Fractured Fairy Tales from Middle-earth    101
Tolkien’s Use of the Word “Garn!” 105
Spit, Spat, Spittle: Those Whom Tolkien Wouldst Belittle    113
The Leaf Mold of Tolkien’s Mind    117
Frodo Quatermain    123
Tolkien and Haggard: Immortality    133
Tolkien and Haggard: The Dead Marshes    147
The Feigned-manuscript Topos    153
In a Hole in the Ground There Lived a …    179
In a Fogou in the Ground There Lived a Cornish Hobbit    189
A Tale of Tolkien’s Woods    191
The Bounders 203   
The Cinematographer of Waverly    207
Estel    217
Bracegirdle    227
Whence an Oliphaunt?    233
Tolkien in Chinese: A Thesis Review    237
Appendix ‘A’: The 39 Historic Counties of England    247
Appendix ‘B’: A Brief Guide to the Translations Cited    249
Illustration Credits    251
About the Artist    255
About the Art    256
Index    259
About the Author    275

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