Tolkien and Welsh
Table of Contents
- Preface
- Foreword
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- Definitions
- Welsh
- Buckland
- The Linguistic Landscape of Bree
- Dale
- Esgaroth
- The Long Lake
- The Stoors
- The Water
- Bywater
- Branda-nîn
- Tolkien’s Cornish Mountain
- Tolkien’s Celtic River Goddess
- The Daughter of the River
- Matrilineal Hobbits
- Bombadil’s Welsh Fairy Wife
- In Search of the Origin of the River Lune
- Puddifoot
- Boffin of the Yale
- The Yale
- Took
- Gerontius Took
- The Battle of the Green Fields
- Gorhendad “Astyanax” Brandybuck
- Farmer Maggot
- Bolger
- The Rollright Stones
- Echoes in Middle-earth of One Hand Clapping in Wales
- Lithe
- Henneth Annûn
- Welsh Castles and a Greek God
- The Toll and Dôl Twins
- Nobottle
- Sarn Ford
- Celtic Vales
- Wall’s End
- Carrock
- Leechcraft
- Corpse Candles
- Gwynfa
- Sindarin Mimicry of Welsh
- Illustration Credits
- Index
- About the Artist
- About the Art
- About the Author
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